Friday, July 9, 2010

Tahiti islands

Tahiti is a country which does not become known to the people well.
I am made to know the Tahiti through a Korean drama.

If you want to go to the Tahiti,

Incheon International airport - Nrita(2 to 10) - Stand by 2 to 30 - Tahiti (2hours) - Stand by 1 hour - BoraBora(1 hour) total about 20 hours.

Tahiti's map

An area 1,042㎢, population about 130,000 people (1988) and the central city is Papeete. This place is volcano island and the shape is like number eight. Mt. Orohena(2,200m) soars to the west and Mt. Réunion soars to the east.

BoraBora Island

The place which about 240km far away to northwest from the Tahiti Island.

Length 10km, width 4km and coral island. Because water temperater is warm and depth of water is shallow, this place was developed to vacation spot and tourism.
This place is caled pearl of the Pacific and ws shooted a movie, Hurricane.
The US army was use cannon which is remaied in the country during Second World War.